Field work

Technology in the service of knowledge

TC is not only about perfect execution, what makes TC unique is that criteria and sense are brought to the collection and processing of information.


youth, ability, experience and new technologies.

TC, field Work, with the premise "Technology in the service of knowledge", meets all the expectations of experience, ability and soundness, resources and knowledge, adaptability and flexibility, efficacy and efficiencies, both in the technical aspect and in the aspect of contents for the performance of simple, rapid and standardised tasks, as well as in sophisticated, complex and ad hoc processes. In all cases the maxims of the company are rigorousness, quality and confidentiality.

There has been co-operation with universities, public authorities, third sector bodies of recognised prestige, and also private companies, with the common aim of acquiring better knowledge of the environment in order to have an effect on it.

The main virtues of TC can be summarised in youth, ability, experience and new technologies. The permanent TC team is made up of professionals of different areas of the social sciences, with sound training and work experience and a sophisticated knowledge and use of the new information technologies of the, all boosted by drive and dynamism to work with and by vocation.


Quantitative Studies

Preparation and design of questionnaires and samples. Online (CAWI, mobile, mail), personal (HAPI, CAPI) and telephone interviews (CATI). Data Encoding and debugging, recording data, consistency tests and statistical use.

Qualitative Studies

Definition of target audiences, group dynamics, mystery shopping, data processing, quality control, definition of priority target audiences.

Information systems

Cartographic Information System (SIG) and Geographic Marketing; prioritisation of territorial actions, map-making, Research of information: desk research, digitisation of information. Data bases.

Call center

Call Center equipped with the latest applications (hardware and software) and with complete CATI equipment in order to guarantee and develop a satisfactory and rigorous development of all aspects related to the work of surveying.

Quantitative studies

Preparation and design of questionnaires
Design and calculation of samples
Creation and planning of ad hoc fields ad hoc

Field work
Telephone interviews (CATI)
Personal interviews (HAPI, CAPI)
In situ
Self-managed interviews

Data handling
Encoding and debugging questionnaires
Recording data
Debugging and consistency tests
Statistical use
Data matrices (SPSS, Excel, Access, etc.)
Results tables (Tabulations)
Reports of results

Quality Control
Verification of 100% of the questionnaires
Supervision of 20% per survey taker

Qualitative Studies

Script of points
Design of the participants’ profiles
Definition of priority targets
Capturing participants

Field work
Dynamics of Group or discussion Groups
Personal, in depth and semi-structured interviews
Life histories
Pre-test and post-test groups
Anonymous citizen - Mystery ShoppingMystery Shopping)
Audits of customer services
Observational and etnographic techniques

Data handling
Moderation of dynamics
Transcriptions and analysis
Reports of results
Quality Control

Technical support and assembly
Own meeting room in Barcelona
Meeting room in situ in situ
Mobile technical team
Audio and video recording
Publication of multimedia materials edition (postproduction assembly)

Information systems

Cartographic Information System (SIG) and Geographic Marketing
Cartographic design of actions
Geographical location of targets
Prioritisation of territorial actions

Research of information
Desk research
Search for and use of secondary sources
Digitalization of information

Data Bases
Conceptualisation and design of data bases
Compiling and debugging of DB
Management and maintenance of Resource Centres
Contents Managers

Programming of ad hoc computer applications ad hoc
Search engines
Multimedia environments

Call Center

For carrying out telephone studies TC-Treball de Camp has its own Call Center equipped with the latest applications (hardware and software) and with complete CATI equipment in order to guarantee and develop a satisfactory and rigorous development of all aspects related to the work of surveying.

The TC survey team is characterised by its profile of a young person, with university training in the social sciences sector, with perfect knowledge and use of Catalan and Spanish, with experience in carrying out telephone and personal interviews, and with all the necessary knowledge to guarantee a quality job.

All TC collaborators (fixed and temporary) pay Social Security.

Successful projects

Strategic infrastructure and of the first international magnitude, the Port of Barcelona wants to project towards the future with a philosophy of constant improvement.

The valuation of its services and the perception of its brand as an element of added value are key elements for success. For this reason, periodically, the relationship with final customers and with the port community as a whole is evaluated and redefined.

Brand and reputation of Barcelona

Des de 2010, es recull l’opinió de les empreses nacionals i internacionals que han utilitzat algun dels programes d’ACCIÓ.

A partir de la seva avaluació els responsables dels programes s’han adaptat a les necessitats de les empreses, han millorat els resultats i han contribuït a augmentar l’èxit en la internacionalització, aterratge i innovació de centenars d’empreses.

Internacionalització i Innovació - ACCIÓ

In a continuous changing environment, will our children and young people be prepared so that they will do well in life? Teachers, parents and mothers, are we prepared to educate?

Des de fa anys, la Fundació Jaume Bofill està impulsant un Baròmetre de l’educació que, recollint l’opinió de familiars i professionals, pretén valorar la percepció sobre la qualitat de l’ensenyament a Catalunya.

Edubaròmetre I answer for education

The European project CHIEF H2020 aims to analyze European intercultural dialogue and better understand the cultural literacy process of young people. 

The study is conducted in nine countries and collects the opinion of young people and teachers by means of electronic surveys online or offline in eight languages.

Cultural Heritage and Identities of Europe’s Future - Universitat Pompeu Fabra


More than 20 years of experience

Job Opportunities

At TC we need dynamic, enterprising people, wishing to participate in social and market research projects.

If you want to be part of our team of surveyors, send us your information by filling out the form or at